
Letter from Edmund Randolph to Beverley Randolph (1787)

Image: Large Fish Market. Jan Brueghel the Elder. (1603) Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jan_Brueghel_the_Elder-Great_Fish_market.jpg

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The prospect of a very long sojournment here has determined me to bring up my family. They will want about thirty pounds for the expense of travelling. The Executive will therefore oblige me by directing a warrant in my favor, to be delivered to Mrs. R. for that amount. My account stands thus:

1787. Dr. With the Comm鈥檒th.
May 2d 鈥 To cash received 拢100.00.2

拢 42. 8. now in my hands.
1787. Cr.

June 6 By attending from the 6th of May to this day (both inclusive), 32 days, at 6 dols. per day, which amount to 192 d鈥檚, and are equal to 57.12s.

Twenty-three or four days more will overrun this sum, and will have elapsed before my family can arrive, so that I trust there will be no difficulty in the advance,

Mr. Wythe has left 50拢 of his money to be distributed among such of his colleagues as should require it. . . . We have every reason to expect harmony in the convention, altho鈥 the currents of opinion are various. But no man can yet divine in what form our efforts against the American crises will appear to the public eye. It will not be settled in its principles for perhaps some weeks hence.


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