
Memorandum on Meeting Between Lord Howe and the American Commissioners

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Lord Howe received the Gentlemen on the Beach鈥擠r. Franklin introduced Mr. Adams and Mr. Rutledge鈥擫ord Howe very politely expressed the Sense he entertained of the Confidence they had placed in him, by thus putting them-selves in his hands鈥

A general and immaterial Conversation from the Beach to the House鈥擳he Hessian Guard saluted, as they passed鈥

A cold dinner was on the Table鈥攄ined鈥攖he Hessian Colonel present鈥擨mmediately after dinner he retired鈥

Lord Howe informed them it was long since he had; entertained an opinion that the Differences between the two Countries might be accommodated to the Satisfaction of both鈥攖hat he was known to be a Well Wisher to America鈥攑articularly to the Province of Massachusetts Bay, which had endeared itself to him by the very high Honors it had bestowed upon the Memory of his eldest Brother鈥攖hat his going out as Commissioner from the King had been early mentioned, but that afterwards for some time, he had heard no more of it鈥擳hat an Idea had then arisen of sending several Commissioners, to which he had objected鈥攖hat his Wish was to go out singly and with a Civil Commission only, in which case, his Plan was to have gone immediately to Philadelphia, that he had even objected to his Brother鈥檚 being in the Commission, from the Delicacy of the Situation and his desire to take upon himself all the Reproach that might be the Consequence of it鈥攖hat it was however thought necessary that the General should be joined in the Commission for reasons which he explained鈥(having their hands upon the Two Services)鈥攁nd that he, Lord Howe should also have the naval Command, in which he had acquiesced鈥攖hat he had hoped to reach America before the Army had moved, and did not doubt but if their Disposition had been the same as expressed in their Petition to the King, he should have been able to have brought about an Accomodation to the Satisfaction of both Countries鈥攖hat he thought the Petition was a sufficient Basis to confer upon鈥攖hat it contained Matter, which, with Candour & Discussion might be wrought into a Plan of Permanency鈥攖hat the Address to the People, which accompanied the Petition to His Majesty, tended to “destroy the good Effects that might otherwise have been hoped for from the Petition鈥攖hat he had however still flattered himself that upon the Grounds of the Petition, he should be able to do some good鈥

[Mr. Rutledge mentioned (by way of Answer to Lord Howe鈥檚 Remark upon that point) that their Petition to the King contained all which they thought was proper to be addressed to His Majesty,鈥攖hat the`other Matters which could not come under the head of a Petition and therefore could not with Propriety be inserted, were put into the Address to the People, which was only calculated to shew them the Importance of America to Great Britain鈥攁nd that the Petition to King was by all of them meant to be respectful]

That they themselves had changed the ground since he left England by their Declaration of Independency, which, if it. could not be got over, precluded him from all Treaty, as they must know, and he had explicitly said so in his Letter to Dr. Franklin, that he had not, nor did he expect ever to have, Powers to consider the Colonies in the light of Independent States鈥攖hat they must also be sensible, that he could not confer with them as a Congress鈥攖hat he could not acknowledge that Body which was not acknowledged by the King, whose Delegate he was, neither, for the same reason, could he confer with these Gentlemen as a Committee of the Congress鈥攖hat if they would not lay aside that Distinction, it would be improper for him to proceed鈥攖hat he thought it an unessential Form, which might for the present lie dormant鈥攖hat they must give him leave to consider them merely as Gentlemen of great Ability, and Influence in the Country鈥攁nd that they were now met to converse together upon the Subject of Differences, and to try if any Outline could be drawn to put a stop to the Calamities of War, and to bring forward some Plan that might be satisfactory both to America and to England鈥擧e desired them to consider the Delicacy of his Situation鈥攖he Reproach he was liable to, if he should be understood by any step of his, to acknowledge, or to treat with, the Congress-that he hoped they would not by any Implication commit him upon that Point鈥攖hat he was rather going beyond his Powers in the present Meeting鈥

[Dr. Franklin said You may depend upon our taking care of that, my Lord]

That he thought the Idea of a Congress might easily be thrown out of the Question at present, for that if Matters could be so settled that the King鈥檚 Government should be reestablished, the Congress would of course cease to exist, and if they meant such Accommodation, they must see how unnecessary & useless it was to stand upon that Form which they knew they were to give up upon the Restoration of legal Government鈥

[Dr. Franklin said that His Lordship might consider the Gentlemen present in any view he thought proper鈥攖hat they were also at liberty to consider themselves in their real Character鈥攖hat there was no necessity on this occasion to distinguish between the Congress and Individuals鈥攁nd that the Conversation might be held as amongst friends鈥
The Two other Gentlemen assented, in very few Words, to what the Doctor had said鈥擼

Lord Howe then proceeded鈥攖hat on his Arrival in this Country he had thought it expedient to issue a Declaration, which they had done him the honor to comment upon鈥攖hat he had endeavored to couch it in such Terms as would be the least exceptionable鈥攖hat he had concluded they must have judged he had not expressed in it all he had to say, though enough, he thought, to bring on a Discussion which might lead the way to Accommodation-that their Declaration of Independency had since rendered him the more cautious of opening himself鈥攖hat it was absolutely impossible for him to treat, or confer, upon that Ground, or to admit the Idea in the smallest degree鈥攖hat he flattered himself if That were given up, their was still room for him to effect the King鈥檚 Purposes鈥攖hat his Majesty鈥檚 most earnest desire was to make his American Subjects happy, to cause a Reform in whatever affected the Freedom of their Legislation, and to concur with his Parliament in the Redress of any real Grievances鈥攖hat his Powers were, generally, to restore Peace and grant Pardons, to attend to Complaints &c Representations, and to confer upon Means of establishing a Re Union upon Terms honorable & advantageous to the Colonies as well as to Great Britain鈥攖hat they knew We expected Aid from America鈥攖hat the Dispute seemed to be only concerning the Mode of obtaining it鈥

[Doctor Franklin here said,鈥That we never refused, upon Requisition.]

Lord Howe continued鈥攖hat their Money was the smallest Consideration鈥攖hat America could produce more solid Advantages to Great Britain鈥攖hat it was her Commerce, her Strength, her Men, that we chiefly wanted鈥

[Here Dr. Franklin, said with rather a sneering Laugh, Ay, my Lord, we have a pretty considerable Manufactory of Men鈥攁lluding as it should seem to their numerous Army.]

Lord Howe continued鈥攊t is desirable to put a stop to these ruinous Extremities, as well for the sake of our Country, as yours鈥攚hen an American falls, England feels it鈥擨s there no way of treading back this Step of Independency, and opening the door to a full discussion?

Lord Howe concluded with saying that having thus opened to them the general Purport of the Commission, and the King鈥檚 Disposition to a permanent Peace, he must stop to hear what they might chuse to observe.

Dr. Franklin said he supposed His Lordship had seen the Resolution of the Congress which had sent them hither鈥攖hat the Resolution contained the whole of their Commission鈥攖hat if this Conversation was productive of no immediate good Effect, it might be of Service at a future time that America had considered the Prohibitory Act as the Answer to her Petition to the King-Forces had been sent out, and Towns destroyed鈥攖hat they could not expect Happiness now under the Domination of Great Britain-that all former Attachment was obliterated鈥攖hat America could not return again to the Domination of Great Britain, and therefore imagined that Great Britain meant to rest it upon Force鈥擳he other Gentlemen will deliver their Sentiments鈥

Mr. Adams said that he had no objection to Lord Howe鈥檚 considering him, on the present Occasion, merely as a private Gentleman, or in any Character except that of a British Subject鈥攖hat the Resolution of the Congress to declare the Independency was not taken up upon their own Authority鈥攖hat they had been instructed so to do, by all the Colonies鈥攁nd that it was not in their power to treat otherwise than as independent States鈥攈e mentioned warmly his own Determination not to depart from the Idea of Independency, and spoke in the common way of the Power of the Crown, which was comprehended in the Ideal Power of Lords & Commons.

Mr. Rutledge began by saying he had been one of the oldest Members of the Congress鈥攖hat he had been one from the beginning鈥攖hat he thought it was worth the Consideration of Great Britain whether she would not receive greater Advantages by an Alliance with the Colonies as independent States, than she had ever hitherto done鈥攖hat she might still enjoy a great Share of the Commerce鈥攖hat she would have their raw Materials for her Manufactures鈥攖hat they could protect the West India Islands much more effectually and more easily than she can鈥攖hat they could assist her in the Newfoundland Trade鈥攖hat he was glad this Conversation had happened, as it would be the occasion of opening to Great Britain the Consideration of the Advantages she might derive from America by an Alliance with her as an independent State, before anything is settled with other foreign Powers鈥攖hat it was impossible the鈥擯eople should con-sent to come again under the English Government-he could answer for South Carolina鈥攖hat Government had been very oppressive鈥攖hat the Crown Officers had claimed Privilege and confined People upon pretence of a breach of Privilege鈥攖hat they had at last taken the Government into their own hands鈥攖hat the People were now settled and happy under that Government and would not (even if they, the Congress could desire it) return to the King鈥檚 Government鈥

Lord Howe said, that if such were their Sentiments, he could only lament it was not in his Power to bring about the Accommodation he wished鈥攖hat he had not Authority, nor did he expect he ever should have, to treat with the Colonies as States independent of the Crown of Great Britain鈥攁nd that he was sorry the Gentlemen had had the trouble of coming so far, to so little purpose鈥攖hat if the Colonies would not give up the System of Independency, it was impossible for him to enter into any Negociation鈥

Dr. Franklin observed that it would take as much time for them to refer to, and get an answer from their Constituents, as it would the Commissioners to get fresh Instructions from home, which he supposed might be done in about 3 Months鈥

Lord Howe replied it was in vain to think of his receiving, Instructions to treat upon that ground鈥

After a little Pause, Dr. Franklin suddenly said, well my Lord, as America is to expect nothing but upon total unconditional Submission鈥

[Lord Howe interrupted the Doctor at the Word Submission鈥攕aid that Great Britain did not require unconditional Submission, that he thought what he had already said to them, proved the contrary, and desired the Gentlemen would not go away with such an Idea鈥

Memdn鈥擯erhaps Dr. Franklin meant Submission to the Crown, in opposition to their Principle of Independency.]

And Your Lordship has no Proposition to make us, give me leave to ask whether, if we should make Propositions to Great Britain (not that I know, or am authorised to say we shall) You would receive and transmit them.
Lord Howe said he did not know that he could avoid receiving any Papers that might be put into his hands鈥攕eemed rather doubtful about the Propriety of transmitting home, but did not say that he would decline it鈥

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