
Reservations to the Treaty of Peace with Germany

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1. The United States so understands and construes Article I聽that in case of notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations,聽as provided in said Article, the United States shall be the sole聽judge as to whether all its international obligations and all聽its obligations under the aid Covenant have been fulfilled,聽and notice of withdrawal by the United States may be given by聽a concurrent resolution of the Congress of the United States.

2. The United States assumes no obligation to preserve the聽territorial integrity or political independence of any other country聽or to interfere in controversies between nations-whether members聽of the League or not-under the provisions of Article 10, or to聽employ the military or naval forces of the United States under聽any article of the Treaty for any purpose, unless in any particular聽case the Congress, which, under the Constitution, has the sole聽power to declare war or authorise the employment of the military聽or naval forces of the United States, shall by act or joint resolution聽so provide.

3. No mandate shall be accepted by the United States under聽Article 22 Part 1, or any other provision of the Treaty of Peace聽with Germany, except by action of the Congress of the United States.

4. The United States reserves to itself exclusively the right聽to decide what questions are within its domestic jurisdiction,聽and declares that all domestic and political questions relating聽wholly or in part to its internal affairs, including immigration,聽labour, coast-wise traffic, the tariff, commerce, the suppression聽of traffic of women and children and in opium and other dangerous聽drugs, and all other domestic questions are solely within the聽jurisdiction of the United States and are not under this Treaty聽to be submitted in any way either to arbitration or to the consideration聽of the Council or of the Assembly of the League of Nations or聽any agency thereof, or to the decision or recommendation of any聽other Power.

5. The United States will not submit to arbitration or to inquiry聽by the Assembly or by the Council of the League of Nations provided聽for in said Treaty of Peace any questions which in the judgement聽of the United States depend upon or relate to its long established聽policy commonly known as the Monroe doctrine; said doctrine to聽be interpreted by the United States alone, and is hereby declared聽to be wholly outside the jurisdiction of said League of Nations聽and entirely unaffected by any provision contained in the said聽Treaty of Peace with Germany….

7. The Congress of the United States will provide by law for聽the appointment of the representatives of the United States in聽the Assembly and the Council of the League of Nations.

8. … and until such participation and appointment have been聽so provided for and the powers and duties of such representatives聽so defined, no person shall represent the United States under聽either said League of Nations or the Treaty of Peace with Germany聽or be authorised to perform any act for or on behalf of the United聽States thereunder….

9. The United States shall not be obligated to contribute to聽any expenses of the League of Nations, or of the secretariat or聽of any commission, or committee, or conference, or other agency,聽organised under the League of Nations or under the Treaty, or聽for the purpose of carrying out the Treaty provisions, unless聽and until an appropriation of funds available for such expenses聽shall have been made by the Congress of the United States.

10. If the United States shall at any time adopt any plan for聽the limitation of armaments proposed by the Council of the League聽of Nations under the provisions of Article 8, it reserves the聽right to increase such armaments without the consent of the Council聽whenever the United States 鈥 is threatened with invasion or engaged聽in war.

11. The United States reserves the right to permit, in its聽discretion, the nationals of a Covenant-breaking State, as defined聽in Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, residing聽within the United States or in countries other than that violating聽said Article 16, to continue their commercial, financial, and聽personal relations with the nationals of the United States. .聽. .

12. The United States withholds its assent to Part XIII (Articles聽387-427 inclusive) [ILO provisions] unless Congress by act or聽joint resolution shall hereafter make provision for representation聽in the Organisation established by said Part XIII, and in such聽event participation of the United States will be governed by and聽conditional on the provisions of such act or joint resolution.

13. The United States assumes no obligation to be bound by聽any election, decision, report, or finding of the Council or Assembly聽in which any member of the League and its self-governing dominions,聽colonies, or parts of the Empire in the aggregate have cast more聽than one vote, and assumes no obligation to be bound by any decision,聽report or finding of the Council or Assembly arising out of any聽dispute between the United States and any member of the League聽if such member or any self-governing dominion, colony, empire,聽or part of empire united with it politically has voted.

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