
MAHG Fellowship Application

MAHG Fellowship Application

Scholarships are available for courses in the MAHG program and for our American History and Literature seminars. Apply today.

Application for Ashland MAHG Fellowships

Complete this form to be considered for a fellowship. Fellowships are open to both degree-seeking students and those taking courses on a non-degree basis for personal enrichment or teacher licensure purposes. 

Please note that these fellowships are available only for graduate credit study in courses with an HIST or POLSC prefix.  Fellowships may not be used to audit courses or for courses in Ashland University’s College of Education.

Fellowships awarded but not used will be forfeited.  

Applicant Information

Briefly describe your teaching philosophy, your school’s demographics, and how your students will benefit from your studies at Ashland.  Limit 200 words.  

Take the first step.

Learn more about MAHG and how you can be the expert teacher your students need. Admission is conducted on a rolling basis.