
MAHG Course of Study

The Master of Arts in American History and Government (MAHG) requires a total of 32 semester credit hours. Coursework is divided between a 12 hour required core and 20 hours of elective coursework. The degree culminates in the student’s choice of one of three completion tracks: a traditional master’s thesis, an applied research-based capstone project, or a qualifying examination.

Each course in the program is offered for two (2) semester credit hours. Courses are offered in two formats:

  • As residential Weeklong Summer courses during the months of June and July at our Ashland, Ohio campus.
  • As Live Online webinar courses offered on various schedules throughout the academic year.

The degree requires a total of 32 semester credit hours. Students may choose from either a thesis, capstone project, or a comprehensive examination track.

The minimum time to completion is 15 months of full-time study, starting in June and continuing until August of the second year. For students whose personal and profession lives require part-time study, a more reasonable timeline to completion is two to four years depending upon the student’s desired course load and track option.

Students may take up to four (4) Weeklong Summer courses during any one summer semester. Students may take up to two (2) concurrent fall or spring semester Live Online courses, and no more than four (4) during any one semester. Students may not take a Weeklong Summer and a Live Online course concurrently.

Students should consult with their program advisor to discuss their semester-by-semester load. All degree requirements must be completed within ten (10) years from the date of their first course. 

Core Courses

The full 12 semester credit hour Core is required for all degree students.

Course Number Course Title Hrs Prerequisites
HIST 501/POLSC 501 The American Revolution 2 None
HIST 502/POLSC 502 The American Founding 2 None
HIST 503/POLSC 503 Sectionalism and Civil War 2 None
HIST 505/POLSC 505 The Progressive Era 2 None
HIST 506/POLSC 506 The Rise of Modern America, 1914-1945 2 None
HIST 507/POLSC 507 Abraham Lincoln 2 None

Elective Courses

All students must earn 20 hours of elective credit. 

Students on the Thesis or Capstone Project tracks must complete 8 elective courses (16 semester hours), plus either HIST/POLSC 691 or HIST/POLSC 692 (4 semester hours).

Students on the Qualifying Examination track must complete 10 elective courses (20 semester hours) and HIST/POLSC 693 (0 semester hours). 

Course Number Course Title Hrs Prerequisites
HIST 510/POLSC 510 Great American Texts 2 None
HIST 601/POLSC 601 Sources of the American Regime 2 None
HIST 602/POLSC 602 European Discovery and Settlement 2 None
HIST 603/POLSC 603 Colonial America 2 None
HIST 604/POLSC 604 The Early Republic 2 None
HIST 605/POLSC 605 The Age of Enterprise 2 None
HIST 607/POLSC 607 America during the Cold War 2 None
HIST 608/POLSC 608 Civil War and Reconstruction 2 None
HIST 609/POLSC 609 World War II 2 None
HIST 610/POLSC 610 American Foreign Policy 2 None
HIST 611/POLSC 611 The American Way of War 2 None
HIST 613/POLSC 613 Postwar America, 1945-1973 2 None
HIST 614/POLSC 614 Contemporary America, 1974 to present 2 None
HIST 620/POLSC 620 The Reform Tradition in America 2 None
HIST 621/POLSC 621 Race and Equality in America 2 None
HIST 622/POLSC 622 Religion in American History and Politics 2 None
HIST 623/POLSC 623 Gender and Equality in America 2 None
HIST 623/POLSC 623 American Society and Culture 2 None
HIST 630/POLSC 630 American Statesmen 2 None
HIST 631/POLSC 631 American Political Rhetoric 2 None
HIST 632/POLSC 632 The American Presidency I, Washington to Lincoln 2 None
HIST 633/POLSC 633 The American Presidency II, Johnson to the present 2 None
HIST 644/POLSC 644 The Congress 2 None
HIST 641/POLSC 641 The Supreme Court 2 None
HIST 642/POLSC 642 Political Parties 2 None
HIST 643/POLSC 643 Constitutional Rights and Powers 2 None
HIST 660/POLSC 660 Topics in American History and Government 2 None
HIST 670/POLSC 670 Directed Study 2 None
HIST 691/POLSC 691 Thesis 4 None
HIST 692/POLSC 692 Capstone Project 4 None
HIST 693/POLSC 693 Qualifying Examination 0 Permission

The Qualifying Examination, Capstone Project, and Thesis Tracks

Students may choose the thesis, the capstone project, or the qualifying exam track. In choosing a track, students should consider their professional and educational goals and needs in consultation with their academic advisor. The qualifying examination and capstone project tracks are appropriate for students who do not plan to continue their studies beyond the master’s level. The thesis track is open to any student, however it is strongly recommended for those students who plan to continue their studies beyond the master’s level.

Each option serves the same goal: that is, by completing the qualifying examination, capstone project, or thesis a student will demonstrate mastery of the topics taught in the program. In addition to content mastery, students must also display well-developed analytical and interpretive skills in the use of original documents and their relationship to the broader subject of American history and government.

The student need not choose a track until the semester during which he or she reaches 20 hours in the program. With the permission of the program chair, the student may switch tracks after he or she has made an initial decision.

Take the first step.

Learn more about MAHG and how you can be the expert teacher your students need. Admission is conducted on a rolling basis.