

Free and Slave Populations by State (1790)

All Numbers are as Reported in the 1790 Census

State Free Whites Other Free Persons Slaves % Slave Total
Vermont 85,268 255 16 0.01 85,539
N. Hampshire 141,097 630 158 0.1 141,885
Maine 96,002 538 none 0 96,540
Massachusetts 373,324 5,463 none 0 378,787
Rhode Island 64,470 3,407 948 1 68,825
Connecticut 232,374 2,808 2,764 1 237,946
New York 314,142 4,654 21,324 6 340,120
Pennsylvania 424,099 6,537 3,737 0.8 434,373
Delaware 46,310 3,899 8,887 15 59,096
Maryland 208,649 8,043 103,036 32 319,728
Virginia 442,117 12,866 292,627 39 747,610
Kentucky 61,133 114 12,430 17 73,677
N. Carolina 288,204 4,975 100,572 25 393,751
S. Carolina 140,178 1,801 107,094 43 249,073
Georgia 52,886 398 29,264 35 82,548
