
Antifederalists Timeline of the Ratification of the Constitution by Gordon Lloyd


May 1787

May 16, 1787: Z: The Continental Convention(ʱԲԲԾ)

June 1787

June 20, 1787: John Lansing, George Mason, and Luther Martin (Constitutional Convention)
June 27-28,1787: Luther Martin’s Objections (Constitutional Convention)

September 1787

Sept 10, 1787: Objections of Edmund Randolph (Constitutional Convention)
Sept 13, 1787: Objections to the Constitution by George Mason(վԾ)
Sept 15, 1787: Objections of Elbridge Gerry (Constitutional Convention)
Sept 27, 1787: Cato I (New York)
Sept 29, 1787: Curtius No. I (New York)

October 1787

Oct 1, 1787: Letter from Richard Henry Lee to George Mason (Virginia)
Oct 5, 1787: Centinel I (Pennsylvania)
Oct 8, 1787: Federal Farmer I (Virginia)
Oct 9, 1787: Federal Farmer II (Virginia)
Oct 10, 1787: Federal Farmer III (Virginia)
Oct 10, 1787: Randolph Letter, On the Federal Constitution (Virginia)
Oct 11, 1787: Cato II (New York)
Oct 12, 1787: Federal Farmer IV (Virginia)
Oct 12, 1787: An Old Whig I (Pennsylvania)
Oct 13, 1787: Federal Farmer V (Virginia)
Oct 16, 1787: Richard Henry Lee to Edmund Randolph (New York)
Oct 17, 1787: A Democratic Federalist (Pennsylvania)
Oct 17, 1787: An Old Whig II (Pennsylvania)
Oct 18, 1787: Brutus I (New York)
Oct 18, 1787: Elbridge Gerry’s Objections (Massachusetts)
Oct 20, 1787: An Old Whig III (Pennsylvania)
Oct 22, 1787: John DeWitt I (Massachusetts)
Oct 24, 1787: Centinel II (Pennsylvania)
Oct 25, 1787: A Republican No. 1 (New York)
Oct 25, 1787: Cato III (New York)
Oct 26,1787: Georgia calls for state convention (Georgia)
Oct 27, 1787: John DeWitt II (Massachusetts)
Oct 27, 1787: An Old Whig IV (Pennsylvania)

November 1787

Nov 1, 1787: An Old Whig V (Pennsylvania)
Nov 1, 1787: Brutus II (New York)
Nov 1, 1788: Cincinnatus No. 1 (New York)
Nov 3, 1788: Elbridge Gerry to the Massachusetts General Court (Massachusetts)
Nov 5, 1787: John DeWitt III (Massachusetts)
Nov 7, 1787: Philadelphiensis I (Pennsylvania)
Nov 8, 1787: Centinel III (Pennsylvania)
Nov 8, 1787: Brutus, Junior (New York)
Nov 8, 1787: Cato IV (New York)
Nov 8, 1787: Cincinnatus No. 2 (New York)
Nov 8, 1787: Federal Farmer: Letters to the Republican (Virginia)
Nov 15, 1787: Brutus III (New York)
Nov 15, 1787: Essay by a Georgian (Georgia)
Nov 21, 1787: George Mason’s Objections (Virginia)
Nov 22, 1787: Brutus on Mason’s Objections (Virginia)
Nov 22, 1787: Cato V (New York)
Nov 22, 1787: Cincinnatus No. 4 (New York)
Nov 23, 1787: Agrippa I (Massachusetts)
Nov 24, 1787: An Old Whig VI (Pennsylvania)
Nov 27, 1787: Agrippa II (Massachusetts)
Nov 28, 1787: Remarks on the Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention (Pennsylvania)
Nov 28, 1787: Philadelphiensis II (Pennsylvania)
Nov 28, 1787: An Old Whig VII (Pennsylvania)
Nov 28, 1787: A Federal Republican: A Review of the Constitution (Virginia)
Nov 29, 1787: Brutus IV (New York)
Nov 29, 1787: James McHenry’s Speech to Maryland State House of Delegates (Maryland)
Nov 29, 1787: Luther Martin Speech to Maryland State House of Delegates (Maryland)
Nov 29, 1787: A Countryman III (Connecticut)
Nov 30, 1787: Centinel IV (Pennsylvania)
Nov 30, 1787: Agrippa III (Massachusetts)

December 1787

Dec 1787: John DeWitt IV (Massachusetts)
Dec 3, 1787: Agrippa IV (Massachusetts)
Dec 5, 1787: Philadelphiensis III(ʱԲԲԾ)
Dec 6, 1787: A Countryman IV (Connecticut)
Dec 6, 1787: Z. (Massachusetts)
Dec 6, 1787: Cincinnatus VI (New York)
Dec 11, 1787: Agrippa V (Massachusetts)
Dec 12, 1787: Philadelphiensis IV (Pennsylvania)
Dec 12, 1787: Cato Essay (New York)
Dec 13, 1787: Brutus V (New York)
Dec 13, 1787: Alfred (Pennsylvania)
Dec 14, 1787: Agrippa VI (Massachusetts)
Dec 16, 1787: Cato VI (New York)
Dec 18, 1787: Agrippa VII (Massachusetts)
Dec 18, 1787: The Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania)
Dec 19, 1787: Philadelphiensis V(ʱԲԲԾ)
Dec 20, 1787: A Countryman V (Connecticut)
Dec 21, 1787: Robert Yates and John Lansing, Reasons of Dissent (New York)
Dec 28, 1787: Luther Martin:Genuine Information I (Maryland)
Dec 25, 1787: Centinel VI (Pennsylvania)
Dec 25, 1787: One of the People: Antifederalists Maryland Journal (Maryland)
Dec 25, 1787: Federal Farmer VI (Virginia)
Dec 25, 1787: Agrippa VIII (Massachusetts)
Dec 26, 1787: Philadelphiensis IV (Pennsylvania)
Dec 27, 1787: Centinel VII (Pennsylvania)
Dec 27, 1787: Brutus VI (New York)
Dec 28, 1787: Agrippa IX (Massachusetts)
Dec 29, 1787: Centinel VIII (Pennsylvania)
Dec 31, 1787: Federal Farmer VII (Virginia)


January 1788

Jan 1788: Address by a Plebian (New York)
Jan 1, 1788: Agrippa X (Massachusetts)
Jan 1, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information II (Maryland)
Jan 3, 1788: Cato VII (New York)
Jan 3, 1788: Federal Farmer VIII (New York)
Jan 3, 1788: Brutus VII (New York)
Jan 4, 1788: Federal Farmer IX (Virginia)
Jan 4, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information III (Maryland)
Jan 7, 1788: Federal Farmer X (Virginia)
Jan 8, 1788: Centinel IX (Pennsylvania)
Jan 8, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information IV (Maryland)
Jan 8, 1788: Agrippa XI (Massachusetts)
Jan 10, 1788: Brutus VIII (New York)
Jan 10, 1788: Philadelphiensis VII(ʱԲԲԾ)
Jan 11, 1788: Federal Farmer XI (Virginia)
Jan 11, 1788: Agrippa XII Part 1 (Massachusetts)
Jan 11, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information V (Maryland)
Jan 12, 1788: Federal Farmer XII (Virginia)
Jan 12, 1788: Centinel X (Pennsylvania)
Jan 14, 1788: Agrippa XII Part 2(Ѳܲٳٲ)
Jan 14, 1788: Federal Farmer XIII (Virginia)
Jan 14, 1788: The Report of the New York’s Delegates to the Constitutional Convention (New York)
Jan 15, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information VI (Maryland)
Jan 16, 1788: Centinel XI (Pennsylvania)
Jan 17, 1788: Brutus IX (New York)
Jan 17, 1788: Federal Farmer XIV (Virginia)
Jan 17, 1788: Charles Turner Speech, Massachusetts Convention (Massachusetts)
Jan 18, 1788: Agrippa XII Part 3 (Massachusetts)
Jan 18, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information VII (Maryland)
Jan 18, 1788: Federal Farmer XV (Virginia)
Jan 22, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information VIII (Maryland)
Jan 22, 1788: Agrippa XIII (Massachusetts)
Jan 23, 1788: Centinel XII (Pennsylvania)
Jan 23, 1788: Federal Farmer XVI (Virginia)
Jan 23, 1788: A Copy of a Letter from Centinel (Pennsylvania)
Jan 23, 1788: Philadelphiensis VIII(ʱԲԲԾ)
Jan 23, 1788: Federal Farmer XVII (Virginia)
Jan 24, 1788: Brutus X (New York)
Jan 25, 1788: Agrippa XIV Part 1(Ѳܲٳٲ)
Jan 25, 1788: Federal Farmer XVIII (Virginia)
Jan 27, 1788: Luther Martin to Thomas Cockey Deye (Maryland)
Jan 29, 1788: Genuine Information IX (Maryland)
Jan 29, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information IX (Maryland)
Jan 29, 1788: Agrippa XIV Part 2 (Massachusetts)
Jan 29, 1788: Agrippa XV(Ѳܲٳٲ)
Jan 30, 1788: Centinel XIII (Pennsylvania)
Jan 31, 1788: Brutus XI (New York)

February 1788

Feb 1, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information X (Maryland)
Feb 5, 1788: Agrippa XVI(Ѳܲٳٲ)
Feb 5, 1788: Centinel XIV (Pennsylvania)
Feb 5, 1788: Sidney I (New York)
Feb 6, 1788: Charles Turner Speech, Massachusetts Convention (Massachusetts)
Feb 6, 1788: Old Whig VIII(ʱԲԲԾ)
Feb 6, 1788: Philadelphiensis IX (Pennsylvania)
Feb 7, 1788: Brutus XII (Part 1) (New York)
Feb 8, 1788: Luther Martin: Genuine Information XII (Maryland)
Feb 14, 1788: Brutus XII (Part 2) (New York)
Feb 21, 1788: Brutus XIII (New York)
Feb 21, 1788: Sidney No. 2 (New York)
Feb 22, 1788: Centinel XV (Pennsylvania)
Feb 26, 1788: Centinel XVI (Pennsylvania)
Feb 28, 1788: Brutus XIV(Part 1) (New York)

March 1788

Mar 6, 1788: Brutus XIV (Part 2) (New York)
Mar 7, 1788: Maryland Farmer No. 3,Part 1 (Maryland)
Mar 8, 1788: Philadelphiensis XI(ʱԲԲԾ)
Mar 18, 1788: Maryland Farmer No. 3,Part 2 (Maryland)
Mar 18, 1788: Luther Martin: Address No. 1 (Maryland)
Mar 20, 1788: Brutus XV (New York)
Mar 21, 1788: Luther Martin: Address No. 2 (Maryland)
Mar 24, 1788: Centinel XVII (Pennsylvania)
Mar 28, 1788: Luther Martin: Address No. 3 (Maryland)
Mar 30, 1788: Luther Martin to the Citizens of the United States (Maryland)

April 1788

Apr 4, 1788: Maryland Farmer Essay VII (Part 1) (Maryland)
Apr 4, 1788: Luther Martin: Address No. 4 (Maryland)
Apr 9, 1788: Centinel XVIII (Pennsylvania)
Apr 9, 1788: Philadelphiensis XII(ʱԲԲԾ)
Apr 10, 1788: Brutus XVI (New York)
Apr 10, 1788: Spurious Luther Martin: Address No. 5 (Pennsylvania)
Apr 17, 1788: A Plebeian: An Address to the People of New York (New York)
Apr 18, 1788: Elbridge Gerry Responds to the Maryland “Landholder” X (Massachusetts)

May 1788

May 2, 1788: Federal Farmer: An Additional Number of Letters to the Republican (Virginia)
May 25, 1788: James Monroe:Observations on the Constitution (Virginia)

June 1788

June 4-5, 1788: Patrick Henry, Virginia Ratifying Convention (Virginia)
June 4, 1788: George Mason Speech at the VA Ratifying Convention (Virginia)
June 20, 1788: Melancton Smith, New York Ratifying Convention (New York)
June 24, 1788: John Lansing, New York Ratifying Convention (New York)
