
Indoors Timeline of the Ratification of the Constitution


June 1787

June 20, 1787: John Lansing, George Mason, and Luther Martin (Constitutional Convention)
June 27-28,1787: Luther Martin’s Objections (Constitutional Convention)

September 1787

Sept 10, 1787: Objections of Edmund Randolph (Constitutional Convention)
Sept 13, 1787: George Mason’s Objections (Virginia)
Sept 15, 1787: Objections of Elbridge Gerry (Constitutional Convention)
Sept 17, 1787: Constitution Signed at Conclusion of Constitutional Convention (Constitutional Convention)
Sept 17, 1787: Report of the Constitutional Convention (Constitutional Convention)
Sept 18, 1787: North Carolina Delegates to Governor Richard Caswell (North Carolina)
Sept 20, 1787: Confederation Congress reads Constitution (Confederation Congress)
Sept 26-28, 1787: Confederation Congress debates Constitution (Confederation Congress)
Sept 28, 1787: Pennsylvania calls for state convention (Pennsylvania)

October 1787

Oct 10, 1787: James Wilson Speech, Pennsylvania Packet (Pennsylvania)
Oct 16, 1787: Richard Henry Lee to Edmund Randolph (New York)
Oct 20, 1787: Massachusetts calls for state convention (Massachusetts)
Oct 26,1787: Georgia calls for state convention (Georgia)
Oct 28, 1787: Remarks on the Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention (Pennsylvania)
Oct 31, 1787: Virginia calls for state convention (Virginia)

November 1787

Nov 1, 1787: New Jersey calls for state convention (New Jersey)
Nov 6, 1787: Pennsylvania elects 69 delegates (Pennsylvania)
Nov 10, 1787: Delaware calls for state convention (Delaware)
Nov 12, 1787: Connecticut elects 168 delegates (Connecticut)
Nov 19, 1787: Massachusetts begins election of 355 delegates (Massachusetts)
Nov 20, 1787: Pennsylvania ratifying convention convenes (Pennsylvania)
Nov 22-26, 1787: Delaware elects 30 delegates (Delaware)
Nov 24, 1787: James Wilson Speech, Pennsylvania Convention (Pennsylvania)
Nov 27, 1787: Maryland calls for state convention (Maryland)
Nov 27-Dec 1, 1787: New Jersey elects 38 delegates (New Jersey)
Nov 28, 1787: Remarks on the Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention (Pennsylvania)
Nov 29, 1787: James McHenry’s Speech to Maryland State House of Delegates (Maryland)
Nov 29, 1787: Luther Martin Speech to Maryland State House of Delegates (Maryland)

December 1787

Dec 4, 1787: Speech to the Pennsylvania Conventions, morning (Pennsylvania)
Dec 4, 1787: Speech to the Pennsylvania Conventions, afternoon (Pennsylvania)
Dec 4, 1787: Delaware ratifying convention convenes (Delaware)
Dec 4-5, 1787: Georgia elects 26 delegates (Georgia)
Dec 6, 1787: North Carolina calls for state convention (North Carolina)
Dec 7, 1787: Delaware ratifies 30-0 (Delaware)
Dec 11, 1787: New Jersey ratifying convention convenes (New Jersey)
Dec 12, 1787: Pennsylvania ratifies 46-23 (Pennsylvania)
Dec 14, 1787: New Hampshire calls for state convention (New Hampshire)
Dec 18, 1787: New Jersey ratifies 38-0 (New Jersey)
Dec 18, 1787: The Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania)
Dec 21, 1787: Robert Yates and John Lansing, Reasons of Dissent (New York)
Dec 25, 1787: Georgia ratifying convention meets (Georgia)
Dec 31, 1787: Georgia ratifies 26-0 (Georgia)
Dec 31, 1787: New Hampshire calls for state convention (New Hampshire)
Dec 31, 1787: New Hampshire elects 110 delegates (New Hampshire)


January 1788

Jan 2, 1788: Georgia ratifies 26-0 (Georgia)
Jan 3, 1788: Connecticut ratifying convention convenes (Connecticut)
Jan 7, 1788: James Wadsworth and Oliver Ellsworth Speeches in the Connecticut Convention (Connecticut)
Jan 9, 1788: Connecticut ratifies 128-40 (Connecticut)
Jan 9,1788: Massachusetts concludes election of 355 delegates (Massachusetts)
Jan 9, 1788: Samuel Huntington, Oliver Wolcott, Sr., and Richard Law: Speeches in the Connecticut Convention Connecticut)
Jan 17, 1788: Charles Turner Speech, Massachusetts Convention (Massachusetts)
Jan 19, 1788: South Carolina calls for state convention (South Carolina)
Jan 30, 1788: President John Sullivan on the Constitution Portsmouth (New Hampshire)
Jan 30, 1788: Massachusetts Compromise proposed (Massachusetts)

February 1788

Feb 1, 1788: New York calls for state convention (New York)
Feb 6, 1788: Charles Turner Speech, Massachusetts Convention (Massachusetts)
Feb 6, 1788: Massachusetts ratifies 187-168 with 9 proposed amendments (Massachusetts)
Feb 7, 1788: Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Donald, Paris (Virginia)
Feb 13, 1788: New Hampshire ratifying convention, first session, convenes (New Hampshire)
Feb 22, 1788: New Hampshire ratifying convention votes 56-51 for adjournment until June 18 (New Hampshire)
Feb 22, 1788: The Adjournment of the New Hampshire Convention (New Hampshire)

March 1788

Mar 3, 1788: Virginia meets to elect delegates (Virginia)
Mar 24, 1788: Rhode Island rejects call for a state ratifying convention (Rhode Island)
Mar 28-29, 1788: North Carolina elects 268 delegates (North Carolina)
Mar 31, 1788: Virginia elects 168 delegates (Virginia)

April 1788

Apr 7, 1788: Maryland elects 76 delegates (Maryland)
Apr 11-12, 1788: South Carolina elects 222 delegates (South Carolina)
Apr 16, 1788: Consider Arms, Malachi Maynard, and Samuel Field: Dissent to the Massachusetts Convention, Northampton Hampshire (New Hampshire)
Apr 21, 1788: Maryland ratifying convention convenes (Maryland)
Apr 26, 1788: Maryland ratifies 63-11 (Maryland)
Apr 29-May 3, 1788: New York elects 67 delegates (New York)

May 1788

May 12, 1788: South Carolina ratifying convention convenes (South Carolina)
May 23, 1788: South Carolina ratifies 149-73 (South Carolina)

June 1788

June 2, 1788: Virginia ratifying convention convenes (Virginia)
June 4-5, 1788: Patrick Henry, Virginia Ratifying Convention (Virginia)
June 4, 1788: George Mason Speech (Virginia)
June 12, 1788: Edmund Pendleton Speech (Virginia)
June 17, 1788: New York ratifying convention convenes (New York)
June 18, 1788: Virginia Ratifying Convention (Virginia)
June 18, 1787: New Hampshire ratifying convention, second session, convenes (New Hampshire)
June 20, 1788: New York ratifying convention convenes (New York)
June 20, 1788: Melancton Smith, New York Ratifying Convention (New York)
June 21, 1788: Alexander Hamilton Speech (New York)
June 21, 1788: New Hampshire ratifies 57-47 with 12 proposed amendments (New Hampshire)
June 25, 1788: Virginia ratifies 89-79 with 20 proposed amendments (Virginia)
June 27, 1788: Virginia Ratifying Convention Amendment Proposals (Virginia)

July 1788

July 2, 1788: Congress accepts ratification of Constitution (Confederation Congress)
July 21, 1788: North Carolina ratifying convention convenes (North Carolina)
July 25, 1788: New York rejects conditional ratification (New York)
July 26, 1788: New York ratifies 30-27 with 31 proposed amendments (New York)

August 1788

Aug 2, 1788: North Carolina votes 184-84 against ratification (North Carolina)


November 1789

Nov 16, 1789: North Carolina ratifying convention convenes (North Carolina)
Nov 21, 1789: North Carolina ratifies 194-77 (North Carolina)


May 1789

May 26, 1790: Rhode Island ratifying convention convenes (Rhode Island)
May 29, 1790: Rhode Island ratifies 34-32 (Rhode Island)
