
A War for Union or Abolition?
Abraham Lincoln. Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries. ([c1903 from photo taken on May 16, 1861]) Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2002714523/

A War for Union or Abolition?

This seminar will examine the long-debated question of whether the Civil War was about preserving the Union or the abolition of slavery – but from the perspective of those who led and fought the war themselves. Teachers will work through a diverse set of 19th Century documents in order to understand the terms of the debate then, and how those involved asserted their understanding of the causes for and reasons behind America’s civil war.

This program will be conducted as a discussion, utilizing as the only readings, and with the Discussion Leader facilitating the conversation, instead of lecturing or presenting. Registrants, therefore, are highly encouraged to read all the documents in advance and come ready with questions. All attendees will receive a Letter of Attendance at the end of the seminar.



October 14, 2024 -
October 14, 2024
8:30 AM EDT
2:15 PM EDT
Canton, OH
Canton South High School
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The Scholars

Assistant Professor of Political Science at Ashland University