
Executive Power and the Constitution

Executive Power and the Constitution

Explore the constitutional powers, legal authority, and evolution of the ‘soft power’ of the president from the Founding through the Progressive Era. Participants will read and discuss documents that help explain how the Founders tried to translate the ideals of the Revolution into a form and system of government that would empower, yet restrain the Executive, as well as how interpretations of those powers have changed over time, especially in the face of crisis.

This program will be conducted as a discussion, utilizing as the only readings, and with the Discussion Leader facilitating the conversation instead of lecturing or presenting. Registrants, therefore, are highly encouraged to read all the documents in advance and come ready with questions. Teachers will receive a Letter of Attendance at the conclusion of the seminar.



March 15, 2024 -
March 15, 2024
8:30 AM CDT
2:15 PM CDT
Madison, WI
Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies
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The Scholars

Honored Visiting Graduate Faculty at Hillsdale College